Hi Guido,

I think it's a piece of slag.  But, it's a nice meteorwrong, even if
it's a slag.  Do you have any way to cut it or window it?

Try giving it a streak test on a piece of unglazed porcelain tile.
(the underside of your toliet tank lid will work)

Best regards and clear skies,


On 7/28/09, countde...@earthlink.net <countde...@earthlink.net> wrote:
> Hello List,
> I picked this specimen up off the desert pavement in Southern Nevada several
> weeks ago. If you take a look...you who are hunters...will probably agree it
> was worth bending over for. It was not attracted to a strong magnet. (I
> know, probably not a meteorite), but I put it in my pouch anyway.
> It's 51 x 40 x 38mm and weighs 90gr. On a cursory examination (scope hasn't
> arrived yet) it appears to have the morphology of something thats been
> subjected to intense heat, pressure and aerodynamic influences.... possible
> orientation, pitted surface, a prominent base bald spot, guttering, flow
> lines, melt, exterior all over burnt patination. A window steel filed by me
> shows interior sheen with a white inclusion. Filings are rust colored. It
> doesn't look like the basalt and other volcanic material around here...I'm
> reluctant to chuck it into the meteorwrong box without asking someone more
> experienced to hazard a guess as to what it is and how did it get that way.
> If you wish to opine...take a look: http://members.cox.net/countdeiro/
> Regards to all,
> Guido
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Michael Gilmer (Florida, USA)
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