Hello Everyone,

The wife and kids were out of town this weekend so I completed an ebay project I've been working on for a while.

This new ebay page is not linked from meteorite.com yet as I'm in the beta test phase. The link is easy to remember as all you have to do is add /ebay after www.meteorite.com

I would very much appreciate if some of you would kick the tires of this new page. Quite a while ago there was some good constructive comments made about our original page and I've tried to build this new page to address everything mentioned and more.

If you like the page and wish to be added please reply back with your full name and ebay account name. The only requirement is that you be in good standings with the members of the meteorite-list and the IMCA. You do not have to be a member of the IMCA but if you were a IMCA member and your membership was revoked then you are not eligible.

Most everything on the page should be easy to understand. One thing I will mention is the "ebay Sellers last update" time stamp. Part of the code I wrote polls the listed sellers to see how many auctions they are currently running. The time stamp represents the last time this routine was run. Therefore the number of listings I show may be off from the true number by about a 15 to 30 minute time span.

Hope you like the new ebay page and find it useful.


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