Dear Listees:

I would like to invite those of you in southern Arizona to meet my friend Chris Cokinos and hear him read from his wonderful new book "The Fallen Sky: An Intimate History of Shooting Stars" tomorrow, Monday, here in Tucson.

Chris is a brilliant writer, an accomplished editor and professor and one of the cooler guys I know. The reading is sure to be entertaining and informative. I'll be there, along with some of my pals, and would warmly encourage anyone within driving distance to make the trip.

The event will be at the Steward Observatory on the U of A campus, tomorrow, September 28, at 7:30 pm and admission is free.


My review of Chris' book for

Hope to see some of you there.

In other news: Steve and I are finally back home after filming several new episodes of "Meteorite Men." Thanks to those of you who posted news stories about our Odessa Crater adventure. What a treat it was to be allowed to film and hunt inside the actual crater! And Pete Shugar -- I'm sorry you don't live next to the strewnfield anymore. Would have been great to meet you in person, but I did enjoy seeing the photo you donated to the museum.

There is a small news piece about the show in today's "Arizona Daily Star":

And if you'd like to be kept in the loop about current "Meteorite Men" news please connect with us on Twitter:

It is really nice to be back home in sunny Tucson after many, many days on location!

Best wishes to all,

Geoff N.

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