Wow - Congratulations Rubin, that is a beautiful specimen.  At first I 
thought... a Diogenite, but with so much metal?  The Olivine crystal is really 
nice, so I would rule out a chondrite, but you never know. It looks like a 
complete stone, is that right? I hope you can find more.  Also, congratulations 
to  Del and your team on the new cold find in New Mexico.

Thanks for sharing,

Greg S.

> Date: Mon, 5 Oct 2009 13:15:26 -0700
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [meteorite-list] A Rare Arizona Meteorite Find plus a possible "NEW" 
> New Mexico Strewnfield
> Hi all,
> On September 24, 2009 I made (what I think will be) one of the most
> important Arizona meteorite finds of my life. I found what is probably
> a very rare achondrite meteorite. I say probably because no one can
> definitively say what type it is just by looking. It is currently
> being classified at ASU by Lawrence Garvie – so we will soon know.
> Here is a link
> This past weekend – in an attempt to find more - I put together a team
> of top notch meteorite hunters (Mike Miller, Sonny Clary, Stan Wall,
> Del Waterbury, Mike Morgan and Myself). Unfortunately, between the
> rains and mud we came up empty.
> After checking the weather (online) with a very helpful Susan Morrison
> we decided that in order to get out of the rain we needed to head
> east. Within a sort time we found ourselves in an area in New Mexico
> where no finds have been recorded.
> We hunted for an hour or two when I spotted Mike Morgan and Del
> examining a stone. Sure enough Del had found his first cold find and
> it was a very fresh looking meteorite! Mike Morgan was next to find
> one and then shortly after I did too.
> We think this may prove to be a “NEW” and very fresh New Mexico Strewn
> field. Time will tell as we return to hunt for more of these
> beautifully crusted specimens in the weeks to come.
> Take a look
> Ruben Garcia
> Phoenix, Arizona
> WWW.Mr-Meteorite.Net
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