Hello Aziz,

OK, if you sent this sample to Dr. Irving, what is the NWA number? What further analysis by supporting scientists and/or laboratories that are needed to confirm such a "meteorite" as you advertise. In my own experience and conversations with Dr. Irving and other scientists, they ALWAYS insist that oxygen isotope studies by other labs to 'confirm' their initial (not FINAL) analysis of a sample, whether by you or other people.

We see through your Smoke-n-Mirror advertising and are not going to accept sub-standard behavior if you guys (Moroccans) are going to sell your wares to us without proof. You can spout off names, but the bottom line is proof and accountability. If, and more often than not, you guys sells us crap, do you refund us our money? "NO"! "I give you credit to good stone later, Mr. GReg!" ,,, typical reply.

You Moroccan stone traders want to be accepted by the world meteorite community as being legitimate, but your continuous behavior reveals you worry nothing more than lining your pockets with cash and care nothing about meteorites. To translate, one of my favorite Moroccan's best phrase is, "I do not collect meteorites, I collect money!" I find this very accurate with almost all Moroccan's I have worked with over the last 10 years. Sad!

I have heard way too many stories of people being ripped off by Moroccan Stone Traders! I am completely tired of their crap! Maybe time to speak up a little more...


----- Original Message ----- From: "Abdelaziz Alhyane" <abdelaziz_alhy...@yahoo.com>
To: <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Saturday, December 19, 2009 2:47 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] AD : New gorgeous CO3

Dear List Members,
My CO3 is confirmed by Dr. Anthony Irving and this is what he said :

AA-K  CO3 chondrite (W3)

Small chondrules. Olivine (Fa0-55), minor enstatite, chromite, kamacite, taenite, troilite.

This is authentic stone.

My best

--- On Fri, 12/18/09, Abdelaziz Alhyane <abdelaziz_alhy...@yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Abdelaziz Alhyane <abdelaziz_alhy...@yahoo.com>
Subject: [meteorite-list] AD : New gorgeous CO3
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Date: Friday, December 18, 2009, 6:40 PM
Dear List members,
 If you are looking for a very nice and very cheap CO3, I
have for sale a 133g uniq CO3 carbonaceous stone , the best
price ever offred, for price and photos, catact me off list
please. this is you Xmas gift
My best

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