Hi Eric:

For about a year, this was a topic for the editors of Meteorite magazine.
We decided to be consistent with strewnfield since we had the column "From
the Strewnfields" by Martin Horejsi at the time (miss your articles in the
magazine, Martin).


> Hi Listees,
> Thanks to you all who've written in with kind words and comments on my
> new article a few days back titled "What is a Meteorite Strewnfield?" I
> really appreciate your compliments. I hope you all enjoyed it. If you
> haven't read it yet please do so. It's a good informative read, and even
> has some pretty pictures too. ;)
> The reason for this email is to ask about proper use of the word(s)
> strewnfield. While researching the article I noticed that the numerous
> websites on the internet had 2 ways of spelling the it. Should it be
> "Strewnfield" one word... or "Strewn Field" two seperate words?
> Every time I type in strewnfield in a search it comes up with "Did you
> mean?" "strewn field" with a space. I've seen it described as "Strewn
> field" on Wikipedia. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strewn_field Then in
> the paragraph just below it reads "strewnfield" all one word again. To
> make matters more confusing Encyclopedia Britannica has the word with a
> hyphen i.e; strewn-field.
> http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/569002/strewn-field Google
> shows 67,500 results for the phrase "strewn field" and the same amount
> for strewn-field" with a hyphen, meaning they don't recognize the
> hyphen. Google also shows 23,700 results for the single word
> "strewnfield". Not to mention the many articles and papers all over the
> internet with ALL 3 ways of usage of the word.
> So which is it? or does it really matter?
> Regards,
> Eric Wichman
> Meteorites USA
> www.meteoritesusa.com
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