Hi John,

NWA 4024 is indeed a nice example of the discrepancy between Met. Bull. data and the amount of stuff circulating on the market.

This is perfectly illustrated if you compare the Met. Bull. write up regarding NWA 4024 an look at the photos included at the end of the same report. There are some 15 pieces illustrated, coming from various sources. Although weights are not mentioned, a rough evaluation of the volume of the pieces (comparison with the scale cubes) leads to evaluate that the total weight of the illustrated pieces should largely overstep 100 g, probably more. Not mentioning that the pieces pictured probably represent only a small fraction of what is really available as 'NWA 4024" in collections.

I have in collection a 4.43 g end section (got from Hanno Strufe).
But my own write up states that Mike Farmer reported at the time (2006) that the tkw was at least 745 grams. He explicitly explained this discrepancy by the following argumentive comment: "first piece sold, more pieces come out", which is, as we know, not really a surprise.

Nothing is mentioned officially about pairings and I don't know whether this meteorite is also being sold under another NWA N° but I guess the pics in the Met. Bull. suggest that all the 15 pieces were called "NWA 4024".

The tkw of a meteorite is indeed rarely updated officially (by the Nom Com and thus reported in the Met. Bulls.) probably because nobody writes them to update the old tkw. I agree that the Nom Com should not be blamed for that.

As a typical example (among many others) the official tkw reported in Met. Bull. for Chiang Khan is still 367 grams, while everybody now agrees that it is of several kg. When helping Mike Jensen to update the 2008 edition of "Meteorites from A to Z", I reported him several such examples and, in some obvious cases, the actual tkw was updated (with, as reference: "numerous sources including internet, personal communications and professional experience". Needless to say that this updating is not official because not (yet ?) agreed by the Nom. Com. For the cited example of Chiang Khan, we agreed to the put, as tkw, 7...@7.0+ kg, which is more realistic regarding the present market, although not official as I agree only the Met. Bull. (Nom. Com.) should act as official reference.

There is some pertinent work needed here and I am convinced many of us from the List and elsewhere can help in trying to provide more correct figures to the Nom. Com.


At 04:38 19/01/2010, John.L.Cabassi wrote:
G'Day List
This has been a very interesting read. Quite some time ago, I brought up
the question about NWA 4024, which apparently on the card that
accompanied it and the Met Bull stated a TKW of 38.1g.  But there's
definitely alot more out there ??? Is there pairing going on here?


And now for another, I purchased this off of Tom some time back. NWA
231, the met bull lists is as being provisional, it has yet to be
classified. The main mass was 1054g. What I have is 1048g, 6 grams are
missing; I think due to polishing a window. But I confirmed with Michael
C.  and it was confirmed. The label on the rock states "NWA 231" so
everything checks out. But it's yet to be classified. I have not found
the time to go ahead with this, but I was curious that NWA numbers were
handed out prior to being classified.


Any thoughts?

IMCA # 2125

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