I've kept quiet on this subject up to now, but since several members won't let it die a decent death, here's my perspective.

Kudos to Robert Ward!!!

Take a different look at these pieces of metal, wood and plastic.

I am sensitive to the overall gun issue but believe they are simply another tool that can be used for good and bad purposes. Guns in the right hands can do marvelous things. In the hands of Allied forces in the 1940's, these "tools" liberated Europe from a fate that I shudder to think what might have been. Over 300,000 American boys picked up these "tools" and made the sacrifice to free many nations, who couldn't do it themselves, from the horror of dictatorship and genocide.

Back to lurking,

John Gwilliam

At 09:03 PM 2/3/2010, Robert Ward wrote:
I spent three years training at the finest firearms institution on the
planet learning about every aspect of the industry, and even designing
and manufacturing my own firearms models, I am an expert in the field,
and I assure you they are not "killing tools" and "assault rifles"
when they leave the factory. They are pieces of metal and plastic,
People do the killing, guns are inanimate objects. So Mr. G, I have
been involved with firearms my entire life, ask my friends if they
think I am a morbid person. You say we should not offend our European
friends with our rights and traditions? Growing up I spent my summers
in Africa, and I saw things that offended my that are far to morbid to
mention here, I did not offend them by sharing my thoughts of these
customs, I looked the other way and left, if that pic offends you push
delete. I noticed a post that mentioned a statistic from the FBI
website, 9,369 firearms related murders in the U.S. in 2002, another
statistic to compare this to is the great genocide in Rwanda, 800,000
murdered with machete's. I assure you, in the right hands some sharp
Chinga, or Seymchan slices that are for sale in several rooms in
Tucson could dispatch one's life just as fast as a firearm. Peter
Davidson, those who know me would probably agree that I am someone
that could be pigeon holed into some Hick-Redneck category, Peter, I
am not offended by your prejudice, I am proud of my heritage growing
up on farms and ranches, oh yeah, I am a NRA life member too. I trust
that all of you that are so offended by this pic do not subscribe to
cable, or satellite television services, nor do you attend movies with
"morbid guns" in them. Grow up, just click delete, and spend this much
time finding some useful input for the METEORITE LIST. Maybe I will
post a pic of my cats high up on one of my collection pieces so the
PETA people can have there turn. Robert Ward
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John Gwilliam

Some people are born on third base
and go through life thinking they hit a triple.
[Bob Dylan]
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