
I would like to disagree with everyone here. If we all start painting numbers 
on meteorites, in 2-3 generations, all specimens will be full of useless 
graffiti - who will know which number matches which "minor" collection? So the 
problem would remain exactly the same. When I say "minor", I mean not a lot of 
people have a collection which can be compared to a Nininger, Monnig or any 
national museum collection! And with time, with more maturity, what if you find 
your inventory numbering system inefficient, what if you decide to change it?

Personally I will never paint anything on my collection specimens. I prefer to 
take 1 or more pictures per specimen + weight + other important 
characteristics, label them and keep then in different boxes.

Just my opinion,


The Tricottet Collection of Natural History Specimens
(Minerals, Fossils & Meteorites)
Facebook: The Tricottet Collection
Twitter: TricottetColl

> Date: Sun, 28 Feb 2010 08:52:34 +0000
> From: msgmeteori...@googlemail.com
> To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Labeling specimens
> Hi Ed, Svend, Jason, all,
> Very good points indeed and interesting reading. Theres a lot to chew
> over there but looks like i may be taking the plunge and starting the
> process at some point.
> Thanks very much for all your considered and informative replies
> Regards
> Martin
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