Hi Darryl, and All,

A few more come to my mind:

Evolution (a wacky comedy film with David Duchovny with a meteorite bringing
"new life" to Earth) 
Smilla's Sense of Snow (the book and the movie)
The Fifth Miracle (a pop-science book by Paul Davies with some focus on ALH

I was also thinking about music, but I only can seem to come up with the
"Fireball" album of Deep Purple...

All the best,

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----

Hi Darryl,

Great idea.  Here are a few that readily come to mind - you probably
already have these on the list.  Some of these are not really
meteorite-related per-se, but fit loosely in the group perhaps.

Armageddon (movie)
Deep Impact (movie)
Lucifer's Hammer (book)
Meteor Man (movie)
Shoemaker Levy-9 event (brought comets and NEO's to the mass media,
tons of documentaries)
Meteorite Men
Meteorites! (1998 made for TV movie)
Meteor (movie)
2012 (the nonsense and the movie)
Stewie's head is compared to a meteorite by Brian in song (a Family Guy
There are "meteorite" shoes and cosmetics all over eBay - FWIW.

Best regards,


On 3/12/10, Darryl Pitt <dar...@dof3.com> wrote:
> Hi Everyone,
> I'm attempting to create a comprehensive list of pop cultural
> references in recent years in which meteorites appear in a supporting
> or lead role.  I'm primarily looking at works of fiction but
> scientific references of the pop cultural ilk will be similarly
> welcome.   Looking for films, TV, books, etc.
> Any input would be much appreciated.
> Thanks so much, and wishing you a good weekend,
> Darryl

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