Hi Shawn and all,
        Actually, I think that would be an excellent response to the greed
Of eBay. If everyone in the meteorite community did that, it would get
The message across to buyers. Of course, it would have to be a "sliding
Scale" application, as the "shipping and handling" charges would be
Perhaps only $5 above  actual shipping cost on some items but could
Go up to hundreds on other items.
        SCREW EBAY -These dudes are making BILLIONS on nothing
But their automated system. Not one minute of additional work or
Other overhead has been involved in their 8.75% of cost sellers premium.
It isn't as though they have had to hire more help or pay higher rent
Or deal with increased travel expenses or ONE THING - they just
Arbitrarily decided, "hay, we got millions of sellers now depending on
Us - we can start sucking them dry!" and, like the stinking credit card
Banks jerk people around legally. SCREW EBAY.
        I think this is a splendid partial solution.
        Way to go Shawn.

On 3/28/10 10:36 PM, "Shawn Alan" <photoph...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hello List
> I have seen this done before on eBay with items I have bought. The seller
> would offer the item at buy it now for $2 and the shipping would be 15. Now if
> your a seller and offering an item that isn't that much I could see the
> seller charging $15 to $40 for shipping and handling/packaging quote un
> quote, if they know the item will go for that rate at buy it now or 5 day
> auction bid, where it would only go for $2 to $5 at closing, which the
> seller would only be charged for the closing cost and not the shipping and
> handling cost (that was a long run on sentence). I guess its worth a try on
> certain items that sell for a fixed rate.
> Just a thought 
> Shawn Alan  
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