Hi Bob,

Just found a link to the pictures you wanted..plus lots more...amazing. Must 
have been terrifying.



Graham, UK

---- Robert Verish <bolidecha...@yahoo.com> wrote: 
> On Easter Sunday afternoon Moni Waiblinger and myself were hiking in the Yuha 
> Desert near Ocotillo (just north of the US-Mexican Border) when the M~7.1 
> earthquake struck south of Mexicali.  You couldn't be any closer to the 
> epicenter and still be in the US.  Needless to say, this was the strongest 
> earthquake that I've experienced.
> But what I saw AFTER the quake was equally amazing.  Clouds of dust were 
> rising up from most of the canyons in the nearby mountains, the result of 
> rock-falls and possible landslides.  The mountain to the south of us in Baja 
> (which I call "Signal Mountain") was covered in a cloud of dust.  Images of 
> this phenomenon were shown on the local San Diego TV News stations (still 
> looking for a link of this image - my images were too obscured by dust).
> I'm wondering where the Signal Mountain iron meteorite was "actually" found, 
> and whether these recent rock falls might possibly unearth additional masses 
> of this iron?  -- Bob V.
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