Hello All,
I was wondering if anyone might have some information regarding
something of an oddity that I came across recently.
It's an NWA iron, but...it's definitely a piece of shrapnel.  I know -
many iron falls have shrapnel-esque shapes - so it's not *that*
But this is a fragment of what looks to be a crater-forming iron -- see below:



As you can see, this iron's shape is very different from the typical
crystal-plane or shear fractures (as seen on Sikhote-Alin, ZIz, and
Taza) that suggest atmospheric breaks.
So, I'm curious to know if anyone else has come across any similar
specimens, or has heard anything about a new (likely small) explosion
crater having been found somewhere in NWA.
If this specimen is a meteorite (and I think it is), there's almost
undoubtedly a crater out there somewhere...
Regards, Thanks,
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