Hi list,  It has been a while since I have  written an article for 
Meteorite Times (John is doing a great job with Micro  Visions!).  Paul still 
my micrograph gallery.  I think it is  officially hosted by The Meteorite 
Exchange and Meteorite Times.   

Anyway,  we just got up a cool addition.  It is a set of  micrographs taken 
in reflected light of an unclassified IMB.  There really  are some 
interesting images.  Iron flecks floating in melt glass, desert  varnish like 
have never thought it could look like and a metal sulfide  structure that 
resembles a barred chondrule (quite unlike any thing I have seen  before).

The link is:  http://www.meteorite.com/meteorite-gallery/articles/nwa-imb/

Also, if you  have not looked at the JaH 073 set I recently posted, it is 
also in high mag  reflected light.  

Trust me, these images are unlike the cross  polarized light pass through 
thin section images most common to the meteorite  world.  This technique 
gives a look at what the material actually looks  like way up close.

Thanks for looking and please let me know what you  think.

Tom Phillips  

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