In the tone of Monty Python, Life of  Brian.

What I wouldn't give for a racist web site to be using my  pictures.

While the racist site use is bad, at least they seemed to be  talking about 

The nut that said I found a house fly in  a Martian Meteorite has finally 
recanted and conceded it was  "Contamination".  I am beyond just mad.  It was 
a photo of a  fly!  That's all!  I didn't accidentally let a fly get in my 
meteorite  picture!

He is now posting " Mr. Tom Phillips shows ET muscle fiber  remains - "
"As I said before, Mr. Tom Phillips is the first person in  history who 
shows clear images of  fossilized muscle fibers found in  meteorites. 
The following figures are marked for numerous petrified muscle  fibers 
with nuclei, axon and end plate. "

The link is at

The "muscle fibers" are a barred chondrule in a Santa Vitoria do Palmar  
(L3) thin section.

If this keeps up, I will also go down in history as  one of the primary 
nuts of the early 21st century.  Sucked right along with  this goof.


In a message dated 4/23/2010 3:06:52 P.M.  Mountain Daylight Time, writes:
It saddens me to report  that a racist white-supremacist website is
using some images taken from  members of this list.  It is probably
safe to assume that these images  are being used without permission of
their owners.

I found this  website while Googling "lawrencite disease", and
surprisingly the ninth  result down on the first page of results is a
racist forum website.  A  lengthy discussion about iron meteorites
includes some images posted by  members of the website.  Some of these
images should look familiar to  list members.  I thought the owners of
these images would like to be  aware of this image use.

Here is a link to the Google Search  -

Direct link to the  offensive website - (beware, repugnant racist
content) -
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