People like this need a good hard smack by a falling meteorite. That's all I 
have to say.. 

IMCA: 2975
eBay: metmel2775
Known on SkyRock Cafe as SpaceCollector09

Unclassified meteorites are like a box of chocolates... you never know what 
you're gonna get!

----- Original Message ----
From: MIke Antonelli <>
Sent: Fri, April 23, 2010 7:15:12 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] low-life

I'm sorry, didn't mean to dangle that tidbit out there. I am looking to 
confront this person face to face (or at least thru the police) before I go 
blabbin' my obviously huge mouth. Suffice it to say his actions were not only 
extremely dangerous and CRIMINAL, but downright offensive and appauling to all 
that is decent in the world of meteorite hunting. Acts that reflect HORRIBLY on 
us all, and when the time comes, this person, this degenerate, will be exposed 
for his shameful dirty deeds. Please, for now, don't ask, I really cant say 
just yet, and now mostly regret posting anything even mentioning this, I was 
just feelin where Dirk was comin from, and threw in my two cents... But at the 
same time, I know this person is reading this, and I will say this to him... I 
know what you did, I know who you are. Don't think for a second that you got 
away with it! I am on to you, and the Pennsylvania State Police are onto you as 
well. I'm sorry folks, but there is
evil among us! Just writing this doesn't feel right, so I'm shuttin my big trap 
already. All will be out in the open soon enough. Sorry.--M.A.

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