I guess being a big TV star does not pay as much as it used to.
Anyone else have any payment or shipment problems?
> From: larrytwinkmon...@comcast.net
> To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
> Date: Thu, 13 May 2010 11:17:54 -0700
> Subject: [meteorite-list] re. $
> Hi Steve,
> I am wondering when I should expect my check for the birthday bash cake, 
> plates, napkins and forks which I was asked to buy.
> And the cake was not just a simple phone call to the store. As you may 
> remember the logo was sent to me by e mail, I printed it in color, took it 
> to the baker at Safeway along with an etched slice of Brenham to show him 
> how it should look if possible, went to pick the cake up and then delivered 
> it to the Sky Bar. It was fun and I enjoyed doing it so do not understand 
> the problem with my reimbursement which was agreed when I said I would do 
> it. (I then the next night picked up my auction Gold Basin cake I paid for 
> and took it out there as I have done for years.)
> When I was at Geoff's a few weeks ago I mentioned it to him and he said he 
> was not aware of it so therefore I keep asking you.
> Twink 
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