Hi Mike, Greg, List,

A few people have asked me what lights to use for photographing meteorites. I like to simplify and spend less cash on solutions so I use a simple desk lamp.

This is the one I use...

This one should work too... Not what I have but should work if it's full spectrum (daylight bulb)...

Full spectrum means "WHITE". It's the closest thing to daylight you can get indoors without actually going outdoors or buying a daylight bulb from your local photo store.

These work, but then you have to buy the lamp too...

The point is a white background, and the whiter the light the better your meteorite photos. One day I'll get around to writing that article on meteorite photography. ;)



On 5/17/2010 9:34 AM, Meteorites USA wrote:
Hi Mike, List,

Mike is right, the flash in macro photography is evil, sort of... (most macro photographers use what's called a "ring flash" which mounts on the end of an SLR camera lens)

It all depends on how you use your camera, if it's an SLR or a "Point & Shoot". I don't flash at all, rather I like using a diffused full spectrum light. $20 at your local Office Depot. Oh yeah and a plain white piece of paper for the background. Simple. Everyone likes simple.

As for white balancing. Your camera's built in light meter reads everything on average at 18% gray and white balances accordingly to how bright or dark the subject/background/foreground is collectively. A quick trick I use is to point the camera's focal point at the shadow created by the meteorite while pressing the shutter button halfway, thereby forcing the camera to use the gray to white balance. Wait for the beep, this means it's focused, then while still holding the button halfway I re-frame the meteorite in the center of the photo and fully depress the shutter button.

Works every time... http://www.meteoritesusa.com/meteorite-photos/


Eric Wichman
Meteorites USA

On 5/17/2010 4:05 AM, Galactic Stone & Ironworks wrote:
Hi Peter and Greg,

I've never used the flash a single time when taking meteorite photos.
Flash is evil.

Best regards,


On 5/17/10, Peter Scherff<petersche...@rcn.com>  wrote:
Hi Greg,

    Have you tried taking the photos in manual mode? I see that you had
your FinePix S1000fd in auto white balance& auto flash. I believe if you set the values yourself you will be able to recreate the look of the photo
you like even when using the scale cube.



-----Original Message-----
From: meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com
[mailto:meteorite-list-boun...@meteoritecentral.com] On Behalf Of Greg
Sent: Sunday, May 16, 2010 10:06 PM
To: Meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Subject: [meteorite-list] Photo color issue update - colored scale cubes

I am pretty certain the issue is being caused now by my scale cube...
See pictures below, one is with a blue cube, one is without.
No other editing or anything has been done. Only change is removing the
scale cube... guess I am now in the market for a new cube that wont do this.

.92g Karoonda with cube

.92g Karoonda without the cube

Thanks for all the input from everyone.

Greg Catterton
IMCA member 4682
On Ebay: http://stores.shop.ebay.com/wanderingstarmeteorites

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