No need for IPhone app, or ..............whatever.
The information is already available.
There is a Calendar of Falls right on my site:  
_ ( 
You can also find it every month on Meteorite-Times.
Sorry, I beat you to it a long time ago.
Anne M. Black
_ ( 
_impact...@aol.com_ ( 
Vice-President, I.M.C.A. Inc.
_ ( 
In a message dated 7/19/2010 9:44:53 PM Mountain Daylight Time, writes:
What would be cool is an iPhone App, or email alerts to be sent to your 
mobile on the "anniversaries" of famous witnessed meteorite falls! With 
50,000+ classified meteorites in the Met-Bull database, there's bound to 
be enough witnessed falls for each day of the year! Now that would be cool.

Talk about meteorite history!


On 7/19/2010 8:00 PM, Richard Kowalski wrote:
> Wow Mike. That's a cool idea. Is the town doing something in 2012 for the 
centenary? If not they might consider having a blowout.
> I guess I better make my reservations at the Wig Wam Village now!
> --
> Richard Kowalski

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