Hi Greg and List,

I have a meteorwrong collection that is slowly growing.  The only
notable wrong that I am missing is Shirokovsky.

Most of my wrongs turned up in large bulk shipments of unclassified
meteorites.  My collection of wrongs used to be larger, but I sold
most of them last year.

Best regards,


On 7/29/10, Thunder Stone <stanleygr...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> List:
> Does anyone have a meteorwrong collection?
> And I don't mean black magnetic rocks you may have found (like ones in my
> garage), but a collection of really 'good' meteorwrongs that could perhaps
> fool people.  That actually would be quite interesting.
> Greg S.
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Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone & Ironworks Meteorites
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