
        So I've got a fair bit of practice at identifying falling meteorites in 
radar data now, and a great deal of radar data taking up space on my hard 
drive.  I want this data used to actually collect meteorites, but there's no 
way I can cover all that ground myself.  So I'm going to try something here, 
and see if I can put the power of the internet to use to get radar data into 
the hands of people who will actually use it to go pick up meteorites.

        I've started a blog where I will post radar data from prominent (and 
not so prominent) meteor events.  I've started with Lorton, and I could use 
y'all's feedback on what you'd like to see in there.  By that I mean - go have 
a look, and let me know what other data you'd like to see in the event writeup. 
 Also, what other events would you like to see posted?  I'll be entering a few 
more in the next week or so, as time permits.

        As much as I enjoy doing this, it does eat up a lot of my time.  I've 
added a "tip jar" feature so that y'all can send me encouragement as you see 
fit.  I think that strikes a nice middle ground between spending next to no 
time at all on this work and actually trying to charge people to use the 
information.  I don't like either of those options, so let's see how this 
works.  I will also have to strike a balance between dumping information on the 
internet and producing scientific publications, but I don't foresee that being 
too much of a problem.

        Have a look, and let me know what y'all think.

Marc Fries
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