You know, the meteorite museum idea is a phenomenally wonderful philanthropic gesture and contribution to the meteorite community. I've spoken with Greg at length about it, and he's very excited. He's also a realist. He knows it could fail easily, but he's willing to take the risk. I've heard some rather negative remarks about the museum from some but still I think it's a good idea, if done right. Can you think of a better idea, or why this shouldn't or couldn't be done? Here's what I see.

IF it takes off in the small town, it would most probably work in a larger city. IF it survives the first year in the small town, it could easily be moved to a slightly more populated area. Year 2 or 3 could see the museum moved to a larger city like nearby Charlotte Charlotte is a larger city who's population could easily support a meteorite museum As the success continues to build over time, more institutions and private collectors could help support this museum network by donating the funding needed and loaning meteorites to the museum(s) for display and study. The museum could be also be expanded and supported in part by locating it near Universities in other larger cities throughout the USA. Universities could have a meteorite study programs alongside any astronomy related education currently part of their curriculum Cooperation and participation by Universities and collectors could create a foundation upon which an entire meteorite museum network could be founded. The opportunity for growth and outreach to communities and students of astronomy related studies and meteoritics is phenomenal

Keep in mind, if he can make it work in this economy, in a small town, with very little funding, it could be the catalyst from something much grander and more educationally fulfilling than anyone could imagine. But it will take the efforts of many people working together to make it happen.

Meteorites for display/loan to the museum could come from any number of sources. There are literally tens of thousands of meteorites in institutional and private collection that could be loaned or donated to the museum. More than enough to fill 50 small meteorite museums in 50 capitol cities! Placing the museums close to Universities would help alleviate some fears of lost material, which at the same time allowing much of the material that's currently locked away in specimen drawers to the viewed and enjoyed by the public thereby creating one of the largest meteorite outreach programs in the history of meteorites. What better way to do that than with a meteorite museum that if successful could reach millions of people in every capital city in every state of our great union. The potential for education, and propagation of knowledge of meteoritics would be unmatched. What better name for such a museum, than one being named after our beloved and much respected Norton and Nininger.

There's a risk sure, but the reward far outweighs any risk of loss, funding, or lack of interest. If this fails, it's not because Greg didn't try...

I believe in the idea of a meteorite museum, and support it 110%.


On 8/27/2010 10:48 AM, Galactic Stone & Ironworks wrote:
Hi Greg and List,

This is a great cause and I hope you get it off the ground.  I really
and truly wish I could help out financially, but I am just not able to
do it.

There has not been a museum dedicated wholly to meteorites in the US
since Nininger's day and this museum that Greg is planning would be a
great boon to the hobby of collecting meteorites and possibly to
meteoritics as well - if the museum inspires young minds to take up
science for a career.

Those of you who are reading this, who are in a financial position to
help out, please support Greg with this project.  If this museum
succeeds, it will be of benefit to the entire meteorite community.

I will offer this small bit of help - all people who donate at least
$100 worth of specimens (or money) to the museum project will receive
a lifetime 30% discount on everything and anything in my store
inventory.  To qualify, simply help Greg out and then contact me.  I
will confirm your donor status and then create a special coupon code
just for you to use at checkout.  This is a bigger discount than my
mailing-list members and friends receive.

Greg has generously donated his time and money to this project - which
is a significant thing because Greg is a family man with children, and
time/money are two things that are at a premium for those who are
raising a family.  If this project fails to get off the ground, then
we cannot blame Greg - we can only blame ourselves.

Best regards,


Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone&  Ironworks Meteorites

On 8/27/10, Greg Catterton<>  wrote:
Hi to all, I hope everyone is doing well today.
I have having a sale to raise funds for the museum, coming down to the line
to get the building. It seems there is another party now interested in the
location who wants to turn it into a fitness center (which we already have 4
of in Lenoir)

That said, you want some good deals? Make reasonable offers on ebay listings
for sale off ebay to avoid fees. There is some really nice material listed.

I have a nice amount of NWA 6291 micros for sale for $10 each also.

Here are some pics of NWA stones I was given to help raise funds
The weight is from left to right. I am asking for best offers on these.

411g and 632g

415g (very nice with massive "fault" that is fusion crusted inside the crack
and not weathered. Kinda of looks like a rubble pile.

540g and 684g


8kg - AWESOME stone, shows just how deep these things can hit and sink into
the ground. I kept this uncleaned, it shows the depth line still.

I am also offering what I call the "Charter Membership" deal.
For a one time fee of $100.00 you will get lifetime admission to the museum
for any and all events. I will be having guest speakers and lectures as well
as other events that will be additional to the normal admission, you get to
attend those at no cost with the charter membership.

I am up to $500.00 of the funds that are needed. You can see more about the
museum here:

Thanks for looking, I hope everyone has a great day.

Greg Catterton
IMCA member 4682
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