Hello Martin,

Saw your inquiry and I don't know how large your slices are but you might be interested in checking out some of our larger size membrane boxes. Box sizes with O.D. up to 150 x 300 mm for thin slices and 250 x 200 x 200 mm which will handle an iron individual up to 3371 g. although I did have a roundish 12 pound Canyon Diablo iron in one until we had an earthquake and it fell off the top shelf of a bookcase onto the floor. For slices, we list recommended max. sizes for objects inside the box, but you can push that number if your specimen is for display and not a fragile object for transportation, which need the shock absorbing engineering of the stretched membrane. The clear membrane suspends the specimen inside the box and you can look at it from both front and back at the same time. Our business website lists all the dimensions (O.D. and I.D. of boxes) at www.membranebox.com

Ron Hartman

----- Original Message ----- From: "martin goff" <msgmeteori...@googlemail.com>
To: <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 1:31 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Clear plastic display boxes

Thanks for all the responses off list and it seems that lots of you
are having the same difficulties trying to find a suitable larger
display box. No one seems to have any answers though regards where to
get them from. I approached the manufacturers of the boxes i provided
links to in my previous post and unfortunately they would need  a
minimum order of 100,000 units to make a larger box. Even though it
seems quite a few people would be interested, not enough to place an
order that size!!

Oh well back to the drawing board and my larger iron slices will just
have to stay languishing in their cozy dessicated boxes until i find a
suitable solution!


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