Hi List. I can't seem to get a good answer to this question off list so I will go this route. Anyways, does anyone have their site linked as an affiliate to the new Meteorite Hunting magazine. I have gone through the directions to do this but now when I click the "Hop" link I was given to use on my site... it does show the graphic of the Meteorite Hunting Magazine but then most of the page after is about joining as an affiliate for the magazine. I know I can use several of the affiliate links offered such as the HOP or Direct sale button, or the link code that takes you to Bits of Earth LLC which does show the graphic and info only of the Magazine (with no affiliate joining page underneath like the Hop link. If someone has theirs set up correctly on there site can I look at your site and click this affiliate link to this magazine so I can see what should come up so I can and compare to what I see so as if to know I have followed the right directions
Thank you.
Don Merchant
IMCA #0960
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