This discussion prompted me to wonder what reservoirs might exist that could 
preserve any big wack debris which was not re-accreted onto the Earth or Moon.  
I came up with the natural orbital parking lot known as the Earth Trojans.  For 
those unaware, they orbit in the Lagrangian point's L4 and L5 which are 
60degrees ahead and behind Earth's relative orbit around the Sun. (There is a 
rumor afoot that we are going to send a mission to the Trojans but I don't know 
which planetary swarm of Trojans that might be, In theory all planets have 
own Trojans).  Langrngian point Trojan orbits are theoretically very stable and 
long lived but not immune to being rewacked out of that comfort zone from time 
to time.

Is anyone aware of the of spectral matches with the bracinites or bracinite and 
a possible 

parent body?  Have any spectral matches been found in the Earth Trojans ?  
And are there any bracinite candidates in the Lagrange points/ Earth Trojans?

Other possible long lived locations might be a  a steeply inclined polar orbit 
around earth although lunar mechanics might not permit that.  There has also 
been much speculation about the existence of a debris swarm at the Lunar 
Lagrangian points as well.

For a discussion of Lagrange points:

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