Hi, all:
I have entertained children, adults, and skeptics for years with the crossing clothes hangers, but never once have I had the wires bend down of their own accord toward a spot on the ground. They will cross and uncross frequently as I walk along of their own accord, and they do so fairly quickly. I have never tried to find water or pipes or anything else, just had fun with something that is mysterious to many. Anyone who is not afraid to experience the unknown can invest in a pair of wire clothes hanger, cut off the twisted part, straighten the remaining wires, then bend them 90 degrees about 4 or 5 inches from one end, grip those two ends just tight enough to hold the wires out in front, and walk along, any direction. Explain it if you can and must, but for me it will continue to be just fun. The kids like it that way.
Paul Spears

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