I think why so many people have a hard time accepting the contrail
explanation, is because the government has proven itself so adept at
lying to it's own citizens, that people now expect to be lied to about
everything of consequence.

Even if it was a missile launch, the government would lie about it and
say it was a contrail, swamp gas, or Venus.

Best regards,


Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone & Ironworks Meteorites

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On 11/10/10, geo...@aol.com <geo...@aol.com> wrote:
> None of these look like any missile launch I've  ever seen here in
> California. These are all no doubt aircraft contrails. All the  missile
> contrails
> I've seen around here take up most of the northwestern sky and  have very
> pronounced zig zags of all colors.
> GeoZay
>>>Compare the  four images  here:
> http://www.avweb.com/avwebflash/news/missile_launch_california_contrail_
> aircraft_203591-1.html
> The  top one is from last night. The bottom three are all  confirmed
> aircraft
> contrails.   --Rob<<
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