Cost prohibitive to save a life? ;) Hmmm.... How much cost are we talking?

Seems counter intuitive to me.... Hell, I think most everything should be free, electricity, medical care, etc... Only problem is 99.9% of the people on Earth need money to get by from day to day. That sucks! I've never really understood why medical care isn't free. Let's see, the doctors and hospitals all say, "Give me money and I'll save your life, or make you pain free, or cure your disease." Somehow that seems very wrong to me. Eventually I think humans will get past that BS and say "Remember when humans used to charge for things like electricity and medical care...? How silly that was..." ;) But whatever....

I get your point Adam, but what's the actual cost for vials of antivenin(venom)? $10k $20k $5k...? It must have been in the thousands for it to be considered cost prohibitive.

Is it "not practical" or is it "cost prohibitive" or both? And how much are we talking?


On 11/16/2010 4:16 PM, Adam Hupe wrote:

Hi Mathias,

I wasn't trying to make any political statement or otherwise. A List member
asked if it would be practical to carry anti-venom in the field and my response
is that it would be cost prohibitive.  This is one of the first questions I
asked when I moved out here.  I certainly would not want to be in a position to
make a choice of who lives or dies based on when/where they received a
snakebite. A human being is a human being but the hospitals around here seem
more concerned with keeping their doors open than keeping mass amounts of
anti-venom on hand. To carry some in the field simply isn't practical.

Best Regards,


----- Original Message ----
From: Matthias Bärmann<>
To: Adam Hupe<>; Adam
Sent: Tue, November 16, 2010 3:58:00 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Mojave Green Jeans - Images of a Killer Snake

Aaaahh, those bloody non-insured illegal people. Always waiting in the desert to
get bitten exactly just before insured citizens. Only to cause them troubles.

Holy nurse ...




----- Original Message ----- From: "Adam Hupe"<>
To: "Adam"<>
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 2010 12:30 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Mojave Green Jeans - Images of a Killer Snake

I was told by a local nurse that the average cost to treat a Mojave Green
bite is between $60,000.00 and $70,000.00.  I asked why so expensive?  She
claimed that illegal aliens, working mostly out-of-doors with no insurance are
mainly to blame. None have insurance and the anti-venom is difficult to keep
hand.  She claimed that many U.S. citizens with insurance have died because
could not get access to it in time, partly because it was used on somebody
without insurance.  This in part is why the treatment is so expensive. Only a
few are able to afford it.  You better make sure your health insurance covers
such things.

Be Careful and Happy Hunting,

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