Hi Greg, List, I echo that thanks, and kudos to the Meteorite Men, Geoff and Steve, and the Science Channel for all their hard work!

Many people new and great people have been introduced into this wonderful world of meteorite hunting collecting and science. This "little" world ain't so little anymore.

What a great story Greg! Thanks for sharing. ;)


On 11/29/2010 3:36 PM, Thunder Stone wrote:
Hi List:

I just wanted to point out something really neat that is happening as a result of the 
"Meteorite Men" TV show.  For the last 4 or or 5 years I have been collecting meteorites 
and have met many nice and interesting people during my ventures.  Also, I have been telling many 
old friends of my fascinating new hobby; many are interested and often are surprised they can be 
found.  It's always so rewarding to tell my friends all about meteorites.  Well now with the show 
on TV... I have be getting the responses like "I saw this show about meteorites and I thought 
of you." How cool is that.  Now many of my friends, some of whom I have not seen for many many 
years, think about me when they see the show.  What a cool hobby, I'm so glad I got into it.  Also, 
my father-in-law loves it as well, and over the holidays we watched it together.

So my many thanks to the Geoff and Steve for producing such a wonderful show - 
keep it up.

Everyone - Happy Holidays.

Greg S.
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