Hi List, 

Speaking of known meteorites that rust and ones that dont that bad, brings up a 
question about the Fairfield
meteorite. All my life I lived within 8 miles where it was found at the gravel 
pit here in Butler county Ohio. It was found at a depth of between 70 to 120 
feet deep in the sand and gravel left by the Wisconson Glacier.

You have to only dig down 15-20 feet befor everything is submerged in water, 
part of the miami valley aquifer,

and as far as I know it has been like that since 18,000 to 14,000 years ago. If 
the Fairfield meteorite was in water for that amount of time I would think it 
would had rusted away completly 1000's of years ago??

Or was it a huge meteorite at one time, and the 1.6 kg that was recovered is 
what was left??

Just wondering your thoughts on that.


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