Dear meteorite-list,

I cannot resist commenting on this issue. I have studied dendrochronology and I am very familiar with the UA Tree-Ring Lab (LTRR). It is much more complicated than one might realize. In addition to "number of tree-rings/years," the growth _/pattern/_ is extremely important in cross-dating a tree sample according to a particular regional "chronology." Depending on the species and/or environmental conditions, there may even be "missing rings or double rings." The number of rings also depends on when the tree first started growing and when it died (naturally or was cut down) or was sampled by increment core. I have seen fascinating photos of supposed Sikhote-Alin meteorites stuck in trees and invited the owners to allow LTRR experts to examine them. So far the owners seem to get cold feet. LTRR has scientists and visiting researchers who have first-hand experience with Russian trees and forests. They are happy to provide assistance: If authentic, the samples might aid studies of biological effects of meteorite impacts. It would be best if the original location of the tree is known; another case for careful documentation.

Dolores Hill
Lunar & Planetary Laboratory
University of Arizona

John Birdsell wrote:
Hi Ted....good point. If a tree branch was collected many, many years ago, it could have fewer growth rings, and might also be expected to show some signs of its age.


I have seen three specimens that exceed 80 years and several that are too young, so be careful. A Russian dealer friend of mine says that all of the genuine specimens were gathered years ago, but some may have been kept for future sale as we know the Arab dealers do with meteorites. Be careful out there. Ted Bunch

----- Original Message ----
From: John Birdsell <>
To: John Birdsell <>; Darryl Pitt <>;
Sent: Wed, January 12, 2011 10:25:22 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] AD(?) - Sikhote-Alin in tree

One year's growth should be represented by a light colored early growth band AND
a dark colored late growth band...

----- Original Message ----
From: John Birdsell <>
To: Darryl Pitt <>;
Sent: Wed, January 12, 2011 10:04:33 AM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] AD(?) - Sikhote-Alin in tree

Count the annual growth rings in the base of the branch....if a tree was alive in 1947 there should be more than 64.


----- Original Message ----
From: Darryl Pitt <>
Sent: Tue, January 11, 2011 8:35:15 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] AD(?) - Sikhote-Alin in tree

Hi, While I am not challenging the integrity of Anne's specimen, there is something I should share: about a decade ago I was informed by an unimpeachable source as

to the existence of what is basically a nursery outside of Vladivostok where SAs

have been wedged into the knots and the forked limbs of a rapidly growing specie

of tree for later "harvest." I was informed that branches are frequently bound around the meteorite to assist in the embedment. I saw one such example and it was...impressive.

Little scary, right?

In an effort that provides a faster turnaround, I was recently informed lightning rods are being inserted into strategic locations in Saharan sands in the effort to produce and harvest flared saharite---the beautifully flanged Saharan fulgurites.

Certainly less scary as there is no effort to deceive. Clever, actually---and yet bothersome as well.


On Jan 11, 2011, at 8:23 PM, wrote:


Since Michael Blood mentionned Sikhote-Alins embedded in trees in his latest "Market Trends" article, and warned everybody against them. And since I

have received a few questions about the one I aquired a few months ago, let me

try to set the record straight:

First, here are 2 pictures, the whole thing, and a close-up:

_ ( _ ( It is much bigger than any I have seen before, and the Sikhote-Alin is truly inside the tree. And a member who happens to be an hoticulturist looked at the pictures and wrote: "Looks pretty real to me Anne! It probably impailed itself into the tree and then the tree grew around it, which explains the "bark" around it". (Thank you Craig!) Also I counted the rings, not easy, but there are at least 45. And I trust the Russian dealer I bought it from. So, yes I believe that it is the real/authentic deal, not a scam. And if you want to have a better look at it, it will be in my room in Tucson (Hotel Tucson City Center, Formerly InnSuites, Room 322). Speaking of Sikhote-Alin, you will also see there two Sikhote-Alins in "as found" condition that I obtained from the Vernadsky Institute. Yes, with all the paperwork!

See you all there very soon.

Anne M. Black
President, I.M.C.A. Inc.
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