"My glasses are cross polarized."  Now that's funny!

Very Clever Michael,

Stay Thirsty My Friend!

Larry Atkins
IMCA # 1941
Ebay alienrockfarm

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Gilmer <meteoritem...@gmail.com>
To: meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com
Sent: Wed, Jan 26, 2011 9:12 pm
Subject: [meteorite-list] The Most Interesting Meteorite Man in the World

Greetings List Members,

Having just returned from hunting meteorites in Antarctica (in my
shorts), I thought I would share some of the things that make me - The
Most Interesting Meteorite Man in the World.

I once came home empty-handed from meteorite-hunting, just to see what
it felt like.

Rare Earth magnets are attracted to me.

My silver tongue sets off metal detectors.

All of my finds are fully crusted and oriented.

Museum curators give me their keys.

My visual pairings are as accurate as an electron microprobe.

Every meteorite in my collection is a main mass.

If a meteorite from Venus is found, NonCom will name it after me.

Property owners knock on my door after a meteorite fall.

All of my meteorites have a pleasant aroma.

Meteoriticists ask for my opinion.

If you find a meteorite while hunting with me, it will always be an achondrite.

The Smithsonian has me on speed-dial.

I can identify minerals and phases at a glance.

All of my meteorwrongs turn out to be new types of meteorite.

NASA's Johnson Space Center allows me to handle all of their
meteorites with bare hands.

I have never lost a meteorite auction, and I never pay too much.

My touch removes caliche.

The meteorites I traded away are rusting, because they are sad and miss me.

Every year, a meteorite falls on my birthday.

All of my export permits are approved instantly.

I have memorized every Meteoritical Bulletin.

If I witness a fireball, I can calculate exactly where the meteorite will fall.

My glasses are cross-polarized.

My touch will etch a polished iron.

I could have bought Meteor Crater, but I am waiting for a new one.

Harvey Nininger had a tattoo of me.

My chessboard is a slab of Esquel pallasite and the pieces are
polished lunaites.

All of my pets can find meteorites.

"No Trespassing" signs make an exception for me.

More will be forthcoming, but right now, I am thirsty....

Mike Gilmer - Galactic Stone & Ironworks Meteorites

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