Dear Listers:

     Also the  K -type chondrites should also be considered:

The Kakangari (India 1890 fall), LEWIS CLIFF 87232 (Antarctica, 1987 find), and the Lea County 002 (New Mexico, 1988 find) K Chondrites have a similar set of petrologic and oxygen isotopic characteristics that distinguishes them from other chondrite groups. They here established to constitute a single chondrite grouplet--the K Chondrites (named after the Kakangari chondrite which fell in India June 4, 1890).

K Chondrites are not affiliated with any of the three--E, O, or C--chondrite classes but have some characteristics that are similar to those of each class. Their characteristics also do not fit the concept that the petrologic and chemical properties of chondrite groups are a smooth function of formation at specific heliocentric distances from the sun.

   Chris. Spratt
   Victoria, BC

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