Maybe we need to have a "card contest" :-)

Enter your card and have list members vote on the best design.

Stuart McDaniel
Lawndale, NC
Cleve. Co. Astronomical Society
-----Original Message----- From: Michael Blood
Sent: Friday, March 04, 2011 7:41 PM
To: Met. Anne Black ; ; Meteorite List
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] ADDITIONAL Meteorite Cards SUGGESTION

       I also make my own cards based primarily on
Many of my specimens being either in one of two
Type display boxes -
   For 2 X 2 macromounts, I make a label that fits in the
Back of the box and a name/type only for the Front of the box.
   For 1.5 X 1.5 membrane boxes I make a long
Strip that goes around the edge of the box.
       HOWEVER an additional "ID Card" would be
Nice TOO.
       So, since the president of the IMCA has
Unilaterally nixed the idea due to her perspective,
For those that do want it (as a stand alone OR as
An addition to)...
       Here is what I will do:
       I will accept card formats submitted by list
       I will choose a good generic format and leave
Room for dealer name, URL - and, if they are
IMCA members, room to insert their own IMCA logo.
AND room to insert their personal web page logo,
Such as "MichaelBloodMeteorites," Big Kahuna" or
"Nakhla Dog"
       So, I need people will email me off list with formats
They are willing to share with the community, I will set
It up and form a link from my main page for FREE
download of card format(s) -  Several to choose from
would be nice, so, please email me off list with JPG of
The card you use (with personalized logo left blank).
       I think there are many who will find this useful.
       Thanks,  Michael

On 3/4/11 4:21 PM, "Met. Anne Black" <> wrote:


Thank you Michael for the suggestion and the offer of help, but I would
much prefer to see dealers invent their own cards.
And I have to agree with Dr. David, the wide range and variety in ID cards
is interesting and entertaining, also it does show a certain evolution in
interests and priorities. If you haven't yet, I would recommend you take a
look at Sergey's very interesting site about labels:
_ (

Not only the size, shape, fonts, .... have changed a lot over the years
(centuries?) but also the information itself, names of meteorites and classes
have changed. Very interesting.

Also I certainly agree that cards are very important and should be passed
along with the specimens, and I do it as often as possible, remembering that
only a few years ago provenance was not the hot topic it is now. It all
changed when a certain "dealer" started selling extremely rare pieces with
highly suspect provenance. I am sure some of you will remember that problem.

Anne M. Black
_ (
_IMPACTIKA@aol.com_ (
President, I.M.C.A. Inc.
_ (

In a message dated 3/4/2011 4:46:20 PM Mountain Standard Time, writes:
Just my opinion, but I think a standard ID card would be boring. Part of
the fun of having the cards is to see what people of various backgrounds and
times think is pleasing. It's interesting to see how the various museums
designed their cards, what current and past dealers include on theirs, the
different fonts, colors, etc. Variety is the spice of life, and I like all the
different types of cards that are out there.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Michael
Sent: Friday, March 04, 2011 6:40 PM
To: Meteorite List
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Meteorite Cards SUGGESTION

May I suggest submissions be made to the
IMCA for a standard ID card the size of a
Standard business card be offered by the
IMCA and leave room to put in the Dealer
Name and website URL.
This would be rather simple, and
IMCA members could submit a JPG of
A given card and someone of the officers
Could choose the best to use for a generic
Card. It could also include a space for the
Specific IMCA member number as well
As a generic IMCA logo.
Of course, this would not benefit dealers
And collectors NOT members of the IMCA,
But that would be fine with me.
For what its worth, Michael
PS: If a board member doesn't want to be
Bothered, I would be willing to choose from
Among entrants and then offer it to the IMCA
To have on their site so members could download
The JPG and then modify it with their name, URL
And IMCA membership number.

"Teachin' a pig to dance is a waste of time and it irritates the pig"
Mark Twain
1. Whenever you're wrong, admit it,
2. Whenever you're right, shut up.
Shaquille O'Neal

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