Try this Richard

----- Original Message ----
From: Richard Montgomery <>
To: Sterling K. Webb <>;;
Cc: meteoritelist meteoritelist <>
Sent: Fri, March 4, 2011 9:06:23 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] GIANT Lunar Download

Thanks I probably don't have the HUGE one, since I'm on a 
simple broad-band connection. The pic a have is, maybe, three times the 
width of my 17" screen.  Since this is probably a junior download, can you 
provide the link for the mega-big-one?  Thanks!

-Richard M

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sterling K. Webb" <>
To: "Richard Montgomery" <>; 
<>; <>
Cc: "meteoritelist meteoritelist" <>
Sent: Friday, March 04, 2011 7:34 PM
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] GIANT Lunar Download

>A five second download of 549 Mb of data would
> be a transfer rate of 112,435 Kb/s. If true, please
> send the name of your ISP and signup information...
> That's 878 Megabit/s, or just under a Gigabit/s.
> Gigabit Ethernet achieves these speeds, but only
> within its network. There are a few Gigabit Ethernet
> ISP's, but only a few. Google announced plans to
> operate an experimental Gigabit Ethernet ISP service
> last year, but nothing since (requires fiber optics
> or four loaded copper pairs).
> Fortunate fellow if that's what you got...
> Sterling K. Webb
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Richard Montgomery" <>
> To: "Sterling K. Webb" <>; 
> <>; <>
> Cc: "meteoritelist meteoritelist" <>
> Sent: Friday, March 04, 2011 8:03 PM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] GIANT Lunar Download
> I downloaded the picture in less than five seconds....did I miss the HUGE
> one?
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Sterling K. Webb" <>
> To: <>; <>
> Cc: "meteoritelist meteoritelist" <>
> Sent: Friday, March 04, 2011 12:17 PM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] GIANT Lunar Download
> As a passionate downloader with archives of
> downloaded material that exceed a total of
> three terabytes (but growing every day), I can
> tell you that speed at which you receive data
> is affected by a variety of factors of which ISP
> willingness is only one.
> I know the maximum rate my provider can
> and does supply me with, having done so
> consistently when allowed by the source, a
> hair under 4 Megabit/s (636 Kb/s). This
> download would take 14.7 minutes at that
> rate, but it's going to take (still downloading)
> about 48 minutes.
> Servers always parcel out downloads in a way
> to optimize their own performance to the demand
> and the nature of the requestor. For example,
> if I were the server at, I would see to
> it that a requestor at got it as
> fast as he wanted it, like say, 1000 Kb/s or so.
> They correctly appraised that I was only worth
> 193 Kb/s... and they were right!
> And Pete, you can (or should be able to) use
> the computer for all other tasks (except a
> competing giant download). You don't have
> to suddenly become a "single-tasker" when
> downloading.
> Beautiful, isn't she? Those who don't want a
> giant download and would be satisfied with a
> good-sized jpeg under one Mb, can find it at:
> Sterling K. Webb
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: <>
> To: <>
> Cc: "meteoritelist meteoritelist" <>
> Sent: Friday, March 04, 2011 12:24 PM
> Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] GIANT Lunar Download
> It took me less than 10 minutes and you will be limited by how fast your
> Internet provider download rate is (not what they claim).
> Great image.
> Larry
>> I downloaded it last week and on Roadrunner it took <5 mins!!
>> STuart.
>> ---- Pete Pete <> wrote:
>>> Hi, all,
>>> I suggest not trying to download unless you aren't needing your computer
>>> for a while.
>>> My computer is new, and it took about fifteen minutes.
>>> I think it is worth the time, if you appreciate our little buddy.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Pete
>>> A Half-Gigabyte View of the Moon
>>> Ever since NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter began circling the Moon
>>> at low altitude in mid-2009, planetary scientists and the public have
>>> marveled at the incredible trove of observations it's been beaming back
>>> to Earth. Most often in the spotlight are the jaw-dropping closeups of
>>> Apollo landing sites by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera (LROC).
>>> It can resolve the surface at 2 feet (0.5 m) per pixel â?" good enough
>>> to reveal even the paths worn in the lunar soil by the astronauts'
>>> boots.
>>> A new 24,000-pixel-square mosaic from NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance
>>> Orbiter shows the Moon's nearside as never before. Click here for a
>>> larger (but not full-size!) version; a labeled version is here.
>>> NASA / GSFC / Arizona State Univ.The work of LROC's wide-angle camera,
>>> which provides surface context for those incredible narrow-angle shots,
>>> has largely gone unheralded â?¦ until now. This past week the team
>>> released a new mosaic of the Moon's near side taken entirely with
>>> wide-angle frames. Acquired during a two-week period in December, the
>>> 1,300 black-and-white frames create a full-disk mosaic measuring 24,000
>>> pixels across. Gulp!
>>> "As the Moon rotated under LRO's orbit," explains LROC team leader Mark
>>> Robinson (Arizona State University), "the ground track progressed from
>>> east to west (right to left in this mosaic)." The image run was timed to
>>> keep the Sun high up in the lunar sky but not straight overhead (its
>>> altitude varied from 69° to 82°). This created enough shadowing to
>>> define crater rims and other topography crisply, unlike the shadow-free
>>> view that we see during a full Moon. The combined image shows slight
>>> banding where the 1,024-pixel-wide swaths were stitched together.
>>> A close-up of Rupes Recta (usually called the Straight Wall) from the
>>> new LROC mosaic of the lunar nearside. Located near the eastern edge of
>>> Mare Nubium, this steep-faced scarp is about 70 miles (114 km) long.
>>> NASA / GSFC / Arizona State Univ.Weighing in at just 2 pounds (0.9 kg),
>>> LROC's wide-angle camera is small enough to fit in your hand. It
>>> features an aperture only 1.2 mm across and a focal length of just 6 mm
>>> (for visible-light work). Yet from LRO's very low orbit, currently only
>>> 20 miles (30 km) up, this mighty mite can pick out surface details as
>>> small as 250 feet (75 m). Click here to view the specifications for
>>> LROC's wide- and narrow-angle cameras.
>>> The image looks dark because Robinson and his team have kept the Moon as
>>> it really is: dark. On average, the lunar surface reflects only about
>>> 12% of the sunlight that strikes it. So a full Moon really isn't
>>> dazzlingly bright â?" it only looks that way to our eyes because of the
>>> contrast with the black sky around it.
>>> If your computer's up to it, you can download the full half-gigabyte
>>> mosaic here.
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>> --
>> Stuart McDaniel
>> Lawndale, NC
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