I am wondering if anyone has had success getting a meteorite sliced by a
commercial water jet cutting machine? A friend of mine has a high grade
machine that cost him about a million dollars. If any water jet could do it,
I would imagine his could.

Hi again
I have in nearest city water jet cutting and laser cutting options.
Once I try cut full slice from few kilo SAU 001. It was disaster. Cutting line was like V from 2 to 6mm wide :D Huge cut looses, and double cut looses after nightmare grinding. This kind of cutting types (water or laser) is build to cut elements from ironplates, and not for cutting blocks into slices.

Laser we have here can cut only up to 1 or 2cm of pure iron plate. Water jet can ofcourse cut much more. As I remember, this equipment that we have here can even cut up to 20cm (according to specification - bullshit anyway) but.... aluminium or similar soft materials. Iron meteorite is mostly not solid piece. Its not the same *iron* as industrial iron plate. Meteorites have Widmanstatten pattern and inclusions that make them difficult to cut by water, becouse this will split water stream. Also meteorites have no shapes of square block and every change of specimen surface will change water stream direction. So its completly dissapointing.

The best way is to buy slices :D if You need slice or buy complete specimen and leave it in this stage. And at all, I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaate cut irons...............so Im happy that we have Mirko Graul who do this for us and produce his super etched specimens.

-----[ MARCIN CIMALA ]-----[ I.M.C.A.#3667 ]-----
http://www.Meteoryty.pl             marcin(at)meteoryty.pl
http://www.PolandMET.com       marcin(at)polandmet.com
http://www.Gao-Guenie.com      GSM: +48 (793) 567667
--------[ Member of Polish Meteoritical Society ]--------

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