Well...this is way off topic, but since  this is my very first AD of any 
kind to this list, I think I'm good for one shot  here considering all the 
other abuses. :O) I just want to say that I began a  couple weeks ago selling 
off my natural gold nugget collection on ebay. My  seller name is "deanazay" 
. I'm selling 4 nuggets each weekend. Sorry, but I'm  selling only to people 
in the USA.

The history of the nuggets I'm  selling...I bought these nuggets off of 
ebay 4 or 5 years ago, using the money I  got after selling the fine gold I 
dredged up in the Yuba Rivers in northern  California. Its a lot easier to sell 
natural nuggets than the melted down  bullion I made from the fine stuff. I 
bought gold nuggets from all  over...California, Nevada, Idaho, Georgia, 
Alaska and Australia primarily. I've  acquired sizes from 1 gram up to 8 
grams. Got some river worn nuggets as well as  nice cryatalline nuggets. I'll 
probably be selling nuggets for the next couple  months at least.

Have a looksy if interested.  Thanks.


George  Zay  

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