Now this sounds interesting.
Greg S.
US space agency Nasa is planning to cover the United States with cameras facing 
upward to track meteorites as they enter the atmosphere.
The scheme, which has been named the "All-sky Fireball Network" will allow 
researchers to triangulate observations of space rocks to try and figure out 
where they're going to land, making them easier to recover. It's entirely 
automated -- computers scan the images received to try and work out which 
objects are meteors, and then send any positive results to Nasa, which puts 
them on the web.
The network currently consists of just three cameras -- in the US states of 
Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee. Nasa's William Cooke, head of the agency's 
Meteoroid Environment Office, hopes to expand that to 15 cameras across the 
eastern half of the US, and is talking to schools, planetariums and science 
centres to host them. "If someone calls me and asks 'What was that?' I'll be 
able to tell them," he told Singularity Hub.
Other meteorite monitoring systems exist, particularly over the less-populated 
western half of the US, but the Fireball Network is the first that's completely 
automated, using optical recognition technology to identify the flaming 
signature of a meteorite burning up in the atmosphere (or the occasional 
spider). Eventually, it's hoped that the various meteor-monitoring networks 
could link up to cover the whole country.
It's not a warning system -- once a meteor is detected it'll likely be too late 
to alert any nearby residents. But data from the Fireball Network will be used 
to improve the shielding used on spacecraft, as well as being kept as a record 
of every large meteoroid to burn up over the US. It'll also help researchers 
track more of them down.
One of Cooke's assistants told Nasa's Science News: "Most meteorites fall in 
the ocean, lakes, forests, farmer's fields, or the Antarctic…and the majority 
of those meteorites will never be found. But our system will help us track down 
more of them."                                         
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