I've tried polishing a few stones and while it is as straight forward as 
described, it is also very time consuming. Also for me, two decades in another 
career have wrecked my wrists, so I'm looking for an inexpensive, (read CHEAP) 
powered lap. I don't have anywhere near a high volume so I don't have a need 
for a higher end lap. A lap good for occasional use is all I need.

Searching in my price range I see Inland lapidary equipment has 6" and 8" laps 
(new) that are in my price range. Last year before I got my saw people "poo 
pooed" Inland when I mentioned their saw and then sent suggestions for saw 2x 
to 3x more expensive. It seems that Inland kinda has that end of the market.

Just wondering if anyone could suggest any other lap manufacturers out there 
that I haven't uncovered. I am also very open to buying a used lap from someone 
if you have one that is going unused.


Richard Kowalski
Full Moon Photography
IMCA #1081

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