Hi MikeG,

No problem with the Facebook 'friends' thing, I just wanted to explain how non-'friends' see his posts in Facebook, basically through a common group, "Meteorites" in this case.

Best Regards,
Greg Hupé

Greg Hupé
The Hupé Collection
IMCA 3163

-----Original Message----- From: Galactic Stone & Ironworks
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2011 3:03 PM
To: Greg Hupé
Cc: meteoritelist ; i...@imcamail.de
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Scam Artist - Joel Samson - Fake LunarMeteorites

Hi Greg,

I didn't mean to imply that you were friends on FB with this Samson
guy.  But thanks for pointing this guy out to the List.  After reading
Gary's reply, I vaguely recall this guy or one of his scams
previously, many many months back on FB.  But like many such scammers,
they appear and then fade back into the wood works.  Has the Meteorite
Identification website updated their known list of scammers to include
this guy?  I don't recall who runs that website, but that person keeps
a solid record of known scammers on eBay and elsewhere.

PS - I have the main mass of ALH84001 available if anyone is
interested.  Please send cash (Quatloos only) to my offshore PO box,
and the specimen will be delivered to you by registered bicycle
courier. ;)

Best regards,


Galactic Stone & Ironworks - Meteorites & Amber

Website - http://www.galactic-stone.com
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/galacticstone
News Feed - http://www.galactic-stone.com/rss/126516
Twitter - http://twitter.com/galacticstone
EOM - http://www.encyclopedia-of-meteorites.com/collection.aspx?id=1564

On 5/11/11, Greg Hupé <gmh...@centurylink.net> wrote:
Hello MikeG,

Scam Artist, Joel Samson, is not a 'friend' of mine on Facebook. He has been
allowed to be a member of the Facebook group, "Meteorites", where a lot of
meteorite enthusiasts share images, etc. This is where Joel posted his bogus
garbage. I was sent a private message alerting my of Joel's scam, so in
turn, I notified Adam, Siegfried and the IMCA and MetList forums. At the
very least, he needs to be booted from the "Meteorites" group on Facebook
and anyone who has 'friended' him needs to 'unfriend' him!

Best Regards,
Greg Hupé

Greg Hupé
The Hupé Collection
IMCA 3163

-----Original Message-----
From: Galactic Stone & Ironworks
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2011 2:31 PM
To: Adam Hupe
Cc: Adam
Subject: Re: [meteorite-list] Scam Artist - Joel Samson - Fake

Hi Adam, Randy, and List,

Thank you for posting his.  Lately (the last couple of months), I have
been much more careful about who I approve as a friend on Facebook.
Fortunately, this person is not on my friends list, but, I do have 13
out of 2100 friends who have approved this person as a friend.  If you
are one of these 13 people, I strongly suggest that you remove this
scammer from your friends list.   Some of these 13 people are members
of this List.

I would be immediately suspect of any lunar that big and it certainly
doesn't look like any NWA 5000 I have seen.  Thankfully, Adam and Greg
keep proper records and know this specimen is absolutely bogus (even
if it did look like 5000, which it does not).

This touches on what was being discussed recently about provenance and

Facebook is a great tool to meet new people (and clients or trading
partners), but it can also be used by scammers to swindle the unwary -
like any medium of communication.  Don't be scared of FB or forsake
it, just be sensible and cautious until you learn the nature of the FB
landscape (and the denizens that populate it).

Best regards,


Galactic Stone & Ironworks - Meteorites & Amber

Website - http://www.galactic-stone.com
Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/galacticstone
News Feed - http://www.galactic-stone.com/rss/126516
Twitter - http://twitter.com/galacticstone
EOM - http://www.encyclopedia-of-meteorites.com/collection.aspx?id=1564

On 5/11/11, Adam Hupe <raremeteori...@yahoo.com> wrote:
Dear List Members,

This is yet another attempt by a psychopath alias Joel Samson to defraud
meteorite market. This is not NWA 5K. Every piece of the most spectacular
highest appraised meteorite in the world over a couple of grams has its
portfolio, serial number and is recorded in a registry. No such 30 gram
has been recorded and no pairings exists.

This is not the first time somebody has fraudulently offered this
surely it won’t be the last so buyers beware. If it doesn’t have a colored
card, be cautious. If the offering weighs more than a couple of grams, it
come with its own portfolio and custom signed C.O.A. with a seal.  The
will also describe the exact specimen with an image of it.  The weights
serial numbers of the first-hand distribution are recorded in a registry.
milligram of this meteorite has been inventoried. The only two legitimate
parties offering any NWA 5K right now are Anne Black and I.  The only
would be a previous purchased piece is being re-offered in which case it
include proper supporting documentation.

I wish everybody safe collecting,


The image Greg posted might as well be a "Wanted Poster", talk about

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