Hi Tim and all,

I've got the ultimate ruster picture for you. I'll have to dig it out and get it to you. It isn't a larger specimen like your 3.382 specimen but it does weight a pound. If this doesn't take the first prize, I'd like to see the photo that does. best!

--AL Mitterling
Mitterling Meteorites

Quoting Tim Heitz <midwestmet...@earthlink.net>:

Hello Everyone,

Does anyone have a fair size somewhat solid ruster, the kind that there might be some hope for ?

I want to set-up a meteorite ruster's Hall of Fame picture gallery.

There will be a REWARD for the top rusters that rank highest in the ruster gallery, I won't say what the reward is until the ruster picture gallery is full of pictures.
I don't know how long it will take or how many pictures  will be needed.

I'm looking for close-up photo's of the rusting and flaking meteorites, like the one in the link shown below.

The 3382g Campo in the picture belongs to me a doesn't count for the reward, but you get the idea.

All the Best,
Tim Heitz

Midwest Meteorites

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