Hello List,
Thank you for calling my attention to potential dubieties about a lunar
meteorite offered by Joel Samson.
The depicted meteorite Joel Samson posted on Facebook which is held between two
fingers on the photo is definitely an authentic piece of the lunar meteorite Dho
908. It is one of our own photographs but we never gave it to him. So we do not
know how he got hold of the photo and we did not give him the authorization to
use it either.
We don’t know whether the specimen he offers for sale is identical with the
photo or not.
What we do know is that Joel Samson is in possession of material which has a
distant similarity with Dho 908. As the material presumably is not meteoritic he
was asked several times by competent side to have the specimens scientifically
examined. To our knowledge he did not follow this advice. In case of doubts
about the authenticity of a specimen offered as a Dho 908 we can offer support
with the identification.
With very best regards
Siegfried & Team
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