Hello Ed,

since I have specialized in observed and very well documented meteorite
falls, preferably with known orbits, I thought I should reply to your mail.

Guess, it will be extremely hard to find a piece of Innisfree. I have tried to get a sample since way more than 20 years, but with no success.

I have a small specimen of Pribram in my collection, but unfortunately no material for sale or trade: sorry.

If you might be interested in a piece of Neuschwanstein, Germany, EL6, that was photographed during it's fall on April 6, 2002, please feel free to contact me offlist, and I will send you all necessary informations.

Best regards

Dieter Heinlein
Technical Director of the
German Fireball Network

----- Original Message ----- From: "Ed Majden" <epmaj...@shaw.ca>
To: <meteorite-list@meteoritecentral.com>
Sent: Friday, May 13, 2011 7:45 PM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Hard to get meteorites!

Hello members:
I'm looking for a couple of hard to find meteorites, small samples or micro's. They are Pribram Czech. and Innisfree, Alberta Canada. I asked a meteor scientist I know from the Czech Republic and he says most of the Pribram meteorite samples are in a museum, but he thinks there may be a few small samples in private hands. Innisfree falls in this category also. Does anyone know where I can find either of these? Please e-mail me if you can help!

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