Hi Steve and all,

Blaine is truly one of the gems in the dealer base. He probably knows more than any 20 dealers combine and has a degree in geology making him more up in the chemistry of space rocks.

Steve, while he was buying your finds back then, I was buying a pretty good portion of his items back then also.While he would work for a hunter to get a fair price, he would also be quite fair in selling his material to collectors and dealers. He was fair on both sides of the transaction.

He has always made things right for me and more honest than anyone I know.
If you haven't given Blaine Reed a chance to sell you something, you are missing out in many ways.

--AL Mitterling
Mitterling Meteorites

Quoting meteorh...@aol.com:

Hey Dave and All,

Great story, and thanks for sharing. I have to chime in here in saluting Blaine as well.

If it were not for Blaine I would not be here today. For my first six years in the meteorite business, I had only one customer...Blaine Reed.

In a world where everyone tries to "buy low and sell high" Blaine always asked not "How little do I have to pay Steve to get this next meteorite?" But rather he would see how much he could pay me each and every time.

Blaine bought 100% of all the rocks I pulled out of the field my first 6 years.

Sometimes checks would show up in the mail unexpected from Blaine. I would call to ask why? He would reply with something like: "The Richfield I bought from you a year ago turned out to be an LL3 instead of an L4 so this is extra money to make it fair."

Those kind of checks happened a LOT more times than just once.

I just want everyone to know, not just on the selling side of things (as in Dave's case) is Blaine more than fair, but he is that way on his buying side of things as well.

The Meteorite world is a far better place because of Blaine.

If you are buying or selling, you owe it to yourself to check out the offer Blaine is able to make you.

Steve Arnold
Of Meteorite Men

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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