Hello Listers,

Thank you for everyone that summited their answers. I would say this was a hard 
one or people dont watch movies. But if you can watch movies about meteorites I 
would :). I wonder if anyone on the List has a list of meteor or meteorite 
movies? Now back to the POP QUIZ. 


Please tell me the name of the movie in 2009 where some local natives find a 
meteorite which in turn was used to weaponize a human. And for the bonus 
question, tell me the name of meteorite/material.


X-Men Origins: Wolverine and the bonus question is Adamantine. If you are 
looking for any I have some for sale...... JK :)

I would like to congradulate two winners. The first one is Doug A for gettin 
the name of the movie correct first and the second winner is Sean T for getting 
the bonus question right first. 

And for those of you that havent seen the movie here is a trailer


Thank you

Shawn Alan 
IMCA 1633 

[meteorite-list] POP QUIZ FRIDAYS/ POP CULTUREShawn Alan photophlow at 
Fri Jun 24 15:48:00 EDT 2011 

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Hello Listers, 

I thought I would change up the POP QUIZ today and shift it to POP CULTURE and 
movies about meteors and meteorites. Have fun and enjoy the POP QUIZ :) 

Name of the game 

Be the 10th Lister to email me off the List with the correct answer and you 
will win a 100mg plus Harrisonville meteorite fragment found in 1933. If you 
get the bonus question right you will win a 100mg plus Saratov meteorite 
fragment from Russia which fell in 1918. 

Good Luck 

Please tell me the name of the movie in 2009 where some local natives find a 
meteorite which in turn was used to weaponize a human. And for the bonus 
question, tell me the name of meteorite/material. 

Shawn Alan 
IMCA 1633 

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Next message: [meteorite-list] Ad: HUGE Graphite Nodule slice from a Canyon 
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