Hi Dan and List,

I see a ton of these on eBay and they have been there for years.  They
are obvious meteorwrongs and look more like river rock than
meteorites.  For eBay to allow these sellers to operate in their venue
shows that eBay does not care about the integrity of it's marketplace.
 It's so bad, I refuse to consider bidding on anything on eBay that
originates in the Far East.  If the seller is in Thailand, China,
Vietnam, or anywhere else in that part of the world, I won't touch it
- I don't care how good it looks.

Caveat emptor applies to every possible sale, but even more so on eBay.

Sellers who continue to offer these bogus specimens and knowingly rip
people off, should be banned from eBay at the very least.  Or, better
yet, we should fill an extra-large tube sock with these fake rocks and
pummel the sellers into a coma with them.

Best regards,


PS - if anyone wants any "meteorites" like the one on eBay that
started this discussion, go check your local railroad tracks - there
are thousands of them laying on the ground for free.

Galactic Stone & Ironworks - Meteorites & Amber (Michael Gilmer)

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On 7/13/11, Dan Furlan <danfur...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm not 100% sure but i don't think this item on ebay is a meteorite
> 120738890611
> link to item:
> http://cgi.ebay.ca/2-6LB-Original-Iron-Meteorite-Specimen-China-/120738890611?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1c1c994373
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