Hi Tom. For your particular requirements, I would say no, Mezzanine lacks this feature. There are some projects out there that are meant to do it for vanilla Django <https://github.com/s-block/django-nested-inline> and for Grappelli <https://github.com/datahub/grappelli-nested-inlines>. In the case of that last one, remember Mezzanine uses a custom version of Grappelli which might not be identical to the standard Grappelli. I can't vouch for these projects, they just came up first on a Google search.

As a side note, I would recommend you reconsider the approach of what you're trying to do. I've found myself sometimes wishing to have nested inlines, but most of the times it is because I want sorting functionality or I'm trying to edit several models related to each other. In the first case, I've used Django admin sortable <https://github.com/iambrandontaylor/django-admin-sortable> (which works great with Mezzanine) to add a "Sort" button to the list view of my models. In the second case, I often add links to edit related objects from one list view to another (using admin URLs and filters in the GET parameters). Perhaps you'll be interested in exploring these routes.

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