On 31/05/2015 1:34 PM, vikraw wrote:
I know there exists a similar post/thread before and I have posted there also, but I didn't see any solutions to stop getting those messages. I am getting around 20-30 such emails in a day

I am getting the errors for my server's IP address
Invalid HTTP_HOST header: 'x.x.x.x'. You may need to add u'x.x.x.x' to ALLOWED_HOSTS.

BUT also for  so many suspicious names like this
- Invalid HTTP_HOST header: '4331780'.You may need to add u'4331780' to ALLOWED_HOSTS. - Invalid HTTP_HOST header: 'testp1.piwo.pila.pl'.You may need to add u'testp1.piwo.pila.pl' to ALLOWED_HOSTS. - Invalid HTTP_HOST header: 'www.cloud.ph'.You may need to add u'www.cloud.ph' to ALLOWED_HOSTS

All of them say the following

No stack trace available
Request repr() unavailable.

These emails are generally rather unhelpful, especially because of the lack of back trace - which means you don't really know which URL was used that caused the error (prior to Django 1.6, I would see the backtrace and it appeared that it was bots attempting to access, e.g. admin.php which don't exist on a Django server).

If you're happy to just ignore them, you can get nginx to do that for you so that the requests don't even hit Django/Mezzanine.

I put the following in my nginx configuration file and haven't received an email like that since:

    # deny illegal host headers

    if ($host !~* ^mydomain.com$ ) {

        return 444;


Of course, you'll need to update this based on the domains you do want to allow.
See e.g. http://stackoverflow.com/a/17477436/653093

Seeya. Danny.

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