On 5/11/2016 12:24 AM, David Unric wrote:
I'd like replace field type for billing/shipping country, at cartridge.shop.models.Order model. Instead of plain CharField I'd like use CountryField from django_countries.

Is that possible with Mezzanine and how ?

settings.EXTRA_MODEL_FIELDS does not work, it throws an exception same named field already exists. It sounds logical as it serves for /extending/ models, not replacing. I can't also find a setting to specify alternate class for Order model so it seems subclassing won't be an option.

Any better idea then a fuzzy conversion to/from CountryField in custom form ?

It's not all that difficult. I've done something similar with a custom OrderForm class in cartridge-braintree (now maintained by Henri)

So basically:
- Create a subclass of OrderForm
- Override the country field widgets
- and in urls.py, use this Order Form as the one used by the shop (pass form_class=myapp.forms.MyOrderForm, when calling the shop/checkout views) (Old style would be to use SHOP_CHECKOUT_FORM_CLASS but that's not recommended for Django 1.8 onwards)

Seeya. Danny.

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