I'm having a strange problem with LOGIN_URL.

I have SITE_PREFIX set to 'content'. So, I can login by going to 
/content/accounts/login. This works as expected.

However: I also have COMMENTS_ACCOUNT_REQUIRED = True. The problem is that 
when I try to post a comment from a non-logged in browser, it redirects me 
to '/accounts/login', which results in a 404. Poking through 
generic/views.py, it seems that it's redirecting to LOGIN_URL, which is 
still '/accounts/login'.

So, I think to myself, I must need to set LOGIN_URL in my settings.py. So I 
add this to my settings:

LOGIN_URL = '/content/accounts/login'

But after doing that, when I try to load /content/accounts/login, I get a 
404 from the mezzanine.pages.views.page. It seems to me it should not be 
getting into the page view; it should be in the 
mezzanine.accounts.views.login view.

I thought maybe another URL was interfering or something, so I reduced my 
urlconf to just this, still getting 404:

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^%s/' % SITE_PREFIX, include("mezzanine.urls")),

Anyone have any ideas what is wrong here?

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